How can I watch movies on ekino ?
In order to watch a movie on eKino, you need to register on eTicket.
Are all the movies on eKino available all the time ?
Except premiering movies, those on permanent screening on eKino, are not restricted on a specific date and time.
Can i watch the movies on eKino without registering on eTicket ?
You will not be able to watch a movie without creating your own credentials on eTicket first.
Can I download the movies from eKino ?
Any copy, reproduction, download, distribution, dissemination and/or unauthorized use of the movies playing on eKino, is strictly forbidden and prohibited. The violation of those terms will be severely condemned and referred to national and international copyright and intellectual property courts of justice.
How much does an eTicket cost ?
The eTicket is completely free of charge. Our eKino is a not-for-profit virtual cinema platform.
Will I receive a notification before a movie premiere on eKino ?
By creating your eKino account through the eTicket, you may check the newsletter box. You will receive notification on all the film screenings and cultural events of the Academy of Film and Multimedia Marubi.
Why do I get a message that the movie doesn't play in my region ?
Premiering movies on eKino are usually date, time and region restricted depending on the obtained territorial rights and licenses. Usually films may be played in Albanian speaking countries.
Are the premiers of movies on eKino rescheduled ?
Not all the premieres are rescheduled. Some of them are only one time streaming/screening.
Are all the movies on eKino region restricted ?
Not all the movies on eKino are region restricted. Some of movies screening on eKino are date, time and region free.
The film stopped playing. What shall I do ?
Please refresh your web browser window. If the film doesn’t start, please check your internet connection. In order to play the film on high resolution, you will need a fast internet connection. Restart your internet connection and retry. The movie should play flawlessly.